The IQAC of this college has taken innumerable measures for quality enhancement in the academic and non-academic endeavours. One of the main remarkable assignments of the IQAC is to maintain and monitor the data from various academic and administrative departments, committees and organisations on current pursuits of knowledge and oversees the progress of the institution. Data pertaining to the last five years, were vigorously collected and analysed department wise, to be fed as input for the preparation of Self Study report to NAAC, as the college was gearing up for NAAC Accreditation, during this academic year. Meetings were conducted very often by the Internal IQAC members, to monitor the progress of data collection and analysis. These data were used in preparing NIRF based Ranking and submitting AISHE report.
The institution treats the Students feedback as one of the valuable source of information related to teaching-learning methods. The feedback system elicits students views and opinions which enables to enhance the teaching methodologies, strengthen rapport between students and teachers and improve students involvement in learning; it also furthers the teachers towards honing their learning and teaching skills
Overall student experience and teacher quality can be improved by proactively making changes based on the feedback. This feedback system has been made available in our college website. Also, the parameters of the mechanism cover teachers, parents and alumni, besides the students. The questionnaires used for the observation have been benchmarked by NAAC. The responses received from the said stakeholders were then analysed and the results have also been uploaded in our college website.
Every Academic Year, IQAC is subjected to Internal and External Audits. The Internal Audit Committee consists of senior members of faculty, who conduct the audit as per UGC norms. The External Audit committee comprises of the University Nominee and a subject expert from another Institution of repute. Prescribed formats validated by the University, are used for the Academic audit and the data submitted by the departments are verified by the Internal and External Committees. All the departments are assessed based on the inputs and outputs given by them; also the conduct of the Continuous Internal Tests, Assignments, Seminars, and the End semester results are analyzed; the departments are evaluated and the invaluable comments of the Academic audit are considered and suitable action plans have been implemented.
IQAC strives its best to enhance the Teaching Learning Process in the academic curriculum Implemented in the institution. IQAC organises many special lectures and workshops for the benefit of both students and teachers. The major role of IQAC is to monitor the performance of the students, staff and also to improve the students’ potential to compete in the job market. Based on the inputs from the Teaching-Learning process, IQAC analyses the ratio of pass percentage in comparison to previous years so as to bridge the gap. It also monitors the level of job competency among students and the increase in percentage of students getting recruited every year..
IQAC monitors and evaluates the formal and informal assessments made by teachers and renders valuable information on the progress and achievements of their students. It also allows the teacher to evaluate the effectiveness of their own teaching from the students responses, so as to improve the teaching methodology. IQAC assures that Class tutors and other members of faculty constantly interact with the students, through Ward Meetings to check on their progress and other issues faced by them. IQAC also takes utmost interest in the General counseling provided to the students by the respective tutors and the Personal counseling provided to individual students, in case of need to help them to overcome their personal problems. Quality mentoring by teachers, greatly enhances students potential.