The faculty members are involved in research activities strive to motivate the students to undertake higher education and carry out their research work at the socio-economic issues of the society, gender equality, environmental and sustainable goals. They are also assisted in attending and presenting research papers at the national and international seminars. Research is the foundation for knowledge which makes possible the vast sea of innovation and application providing wider benefit. This also adds to the stock of global knowledge and is a source of new ideas, techniques, innovation, and methods, across a wide range of disciplinary areas. With the changing trends of higher education in India and the world, research and development programmes in Colleges have gained momentum. The strength of today’s economies lies in the way they can harness knowledge. And in this regard, the role of the Colleges has become crucial. With the government providing fund to colleges and universities to make them more competitive, these educational institutions are no longer just degree-producing machines. The quality of education in any college and university is determined by the research that has been undertaken there. In the past few decades, the number of colleges has increased along with the percentage of the population receiving an academic education. With the government facilitating research and development funding to colleges are also making an effort to develop their infrastructure by focusing more on research activities.
Research and Development